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Koch Media Gmbh - Dvd
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Sales Rank: 0
Style: Action Movie
Product No.: 1898144974
Language German, English (Deutsch DD 5.1, Deutsch DTS 5.1, Englisch DD 5.1)
Subtitle: German (Deutsch)
Regioncode: 2  What's that? Please note our information regarding region codes:
DVDs and Blu-Rays often are country encoded and do not play worldwide. Please check whether your player is compatible with the area code of the item.

DVD code - Area
0/free - Informal term meaning "worldwide"
1 - United States, Canada, Bermuda, U.S. territories
2 - Europe (Central Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Western Europe), Egypt, Middle East, Japan, South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Greenland, British Overseas Territories, British Crown Dependencies, French Overseas departments and territories
3 - Southeast Asia, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau
4 - Latin America (except French Guiana), Guyana, Suriname, New Zealand, Australia, Papua New Guinea, much of Oceania
5 - South Asia, Afghanistan, Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan), Africa (except Egypt, South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho), Central Asia, Mongolia, North Korea
6 - China
7 - Reserved for future use, MPAA-related DVDs and "media copies" of pre-releases in Asia
8 - International venues such as aircraft, cruise ships, spacecraft, etc.
9 - all eight flags set, allowing the disc to be played in any location, on any player

Blu-Ray Code - Area
free/0 - Informal term meaning "worldwide".
A/1 - United States and their dependencies, East Asia, and Southeast Asia; excludes instances that fall under Region C.
B/2 - Africa, Middle East, Southwest Asia, most of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and their dependencies; excludes instances that fall under Region C.
C/3 - Central Asia, mainland China, Mongolia, South Asia, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, and the aforementioned regions' dependencies.
This DVD does not have the standard code for your region. There are players that do not have any encoding restrictions. Please check whether this applies to your device.
Playtime: 81 min
Picture format: 1.78:1
Sound format: SDTV 576i (PAL)
1x DVD-9
Age rating: Suitable for 16 years and over
Description:New Town, die Stadt der Zukunft. Roboter sind hier normale Mitglieder der Gesellschaft, die wie Menschen arbeiten, spielen...und töten! Vor den Augen einer Gruppe Reporter bricht ein Aufstand der Maschinen los, der die friedliche Utopie in einen apokalyptischen Alptraum verwandelt. New Town gleicht einem Schlachtfeld, auf dem die letzten Überlebenden nur eine Chance haben: Sie müssen den Kampf gegen die Armee der Roboter aufnehmen!
Actors: Zoe Naylor; Graham Sibley; Edward Foy; Lani John Tupu; Jourdan Lee; Karina Sindicich; Peer Metze; Tonya Cornelisse; Bjorn Turmann; Remesh Panicker; Olivia Hatton; Daniel Jenkins
Director: Christopher Hatton
Producer: Shannon Banal; Ehud Bleiberg; Nicholas Donnermeyer; Christopher Hatton; Roman Kopelevich; Kelvin Tong; Leon Tong
Script: Christopher Hatton
Camera: Byron Werner
Music: Ramón Balcázar
Editor: Eva Contis; Scott Markus
Production year: 2011
Production country: USA / Singapur
Original title: Robotropolis
Medium: Amaray Case
Content: - Original Kinotrailer
Other interesting products in Action Movie
Technical specificationsLanguage
Media typeDVD
GenreScience Fiction
Supported aspect ratios16:9
Runtime81 min
Number of optical discs1 discs
Audio system5.1
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Robotropolis [EURO-Version, Regio 2]
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