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Die Männer Von Bonanza [Regio free (0)]
Lorne Greene / Michael Landon

17,79 EUR
Dynasty Film
Release date: 26. Jul 2013
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Sales Rank: #68 in Other Audiobook
#179 in Other Audiobook
Style: Other Audiobook
Product No.: 1899353118
Other interesting products in Other Audiobook
Details / Tracklist: 01. "Die M?nner Von Bonanza - Sie Ritten Wie"
02. "Die M?nner Von Bonanza - Sie Ritten Wie"
Number of discs: 2
Language German, English (Deutsch DD 2.0 Stereo, Englisch DD 2.0 Stereo)
Regioncode: B  What's that? Please note our information regarding region codes:
DVDs and Blu-Rays often are country encoded and do not play worldwide. Please check whether your player is compatible with the area code of the item.

DVD code - Area
0/free - Informal term meaning "worldwide"
1 - United States, Canada, Bermuda, U.S. territories
2 - Europe (Central Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Western Europe), Egypt, Middle East, Japan, South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Greenland, British Overseas Territories, British Crown Dependencies, French Overseas departments and territories
3 - Southeast Asia, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau
4 - Latin America (except French Guiana), Guyana, Suriname, New Zealand, Australia, Papua New Guinea, much of Oceania
5 - South Asia, Afghanistan, Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan), Africa (except Egypt, South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho), Central Asia, Mongolia, North Korea
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Blu-Ray Code - Area
free/0 - Informal term meaning "worldwide".
A/1 - United States and their dependencies, East Asia, and Southeast Asia; excludes instances that fall under Region C.
B/2 - Africa, Middle East, Southwest Asia, most of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and their dependencies; excludes instances that fall under Region C.
C/3 - Central Asia, mainland China, Mongolia, South Asia, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, and the aforementioned regions' dependencies.
Playtime: 186 min
Picture format: 1.33:1
Sound format: HDTV 1080p
1x Blu-ray Disc (25 GB), 1x DVD-5
Age rating: Suitable for 12 years and over
Description:Labelcode 9713869

In Virginia City wird eine Zwischenstation für den Pony-Express eingerichtet. Die Betreiber Wade (Rod Cameron) und Ludlow (Victor Jory) benötigen jede Unterstützung. Little Joe (Michael Landon) meldet sich als Pony Express-Reiter, obwohl sein Vater Ben Cartwright (Lorne Greene) von der Idee zunächst gar nicht begeistert ist, trotzdem aber lässt Ben seinen Sohn gewähren. Seine Bedenken waren nicht unbegründet, denn Indianer haben es auf die Pony Express-Reiter abgesehen. Doch Ben kämpft darum den Fortbestand des Pony Express zu sichern...
Actors: Lorne Greene; Dan Blocker; Michael Landon; Victor Jory; Rod Cameron; Tom Lowell; DeForest Kelley; Stewart Moss; Warren Vanders; James Noah; Clay Tanner; Robert Brubaker; Gilbert Green; Richard Hale; David Pritchard; Tom Lutz; Raymond Guth; Jack Big Head; John Breen; Jack Gordon; Whitey Hughes; Dean Savant; Cap Somers; Jack Tornek; Sailor Vincent
Director: William Whitney
Producer: David Dortort; James W. Lane
Script: David Dortort; Fred Hamilton
Music: David Rose
Production year: 1966
Production country: USA
Original title: Ride the Wind
Additional title: Collectors Edition / Blu-ray + DVD
Medium: Mediabook
Content: - Bildergalerie
- Booklet
Technical specificationsLanguage
VeröffentlicherDynasty Film
FSK Einstufung12
Freigabedatum (TT/MM/JJ)01.09.2014
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Die Männer Von Bonanza [Regio free (0)]
17,79 EUR
Delivery to US in:
  14-18 workdays (ordered)